Marina was found in a very bad condition, she was full in mud, skinny and very weak. She was still alive but she couldn’t move, she was just waiting to die. When we took her in the shelter she was a terrified puppy, shy and sad. We don’t know what happened to her but now she is a healthy and happy dog. Marina is an adorable, sweet, affectionate and calm dog, she is very shy, with no self-confidence so she is usually hidden in the shelter, but she trusts absolutely the people she knows. She needs time to feel safe near new people. Marina loves to walk, she goes great with leash and she is social and friendly with other dogs. She needs to find a calm, quiet family, people with patient to help her feel safe near them.

Want to adopt MARINA?

We work toghether with a few organisations in different countries to manage the practical side of the adoptions. If you want to adopt one of our dogs or want more information, please contact the organisation in your country. 

Netherlands & Belgium

Pawsome Pets


Tierschutz Franziskus

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