
Themis was living in a village and his life was in danger because people didn’t want him there, so we took him in our shelter. Themis is a free spirit, he loves to run free and to explore everything. He loves people he knows and he is a happy, friendly and playful dog with us. He matches better with a friendly female dog but he is also ok with males and puppies. Sometimes he feels that he has to protect his food, so it’s better to be the only dog in the house or with a social and calm female. He walks with leash and he loves to walk and run. Themis is ready to find his own home.

Want to adopt Themis?

We work toghether with a few organisations in different countries to manage the practical side of the adoptions. If you want to adopt one of our dogs or want more information, please contact the organisation in your country. 

Netherlands & Belgium

Pawsome Pets


Tierschutz Franziskus

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