Natürlich müssen die Hunde im Tierheim täglich gefüttert und gepflegt werden. Ohne unser tolles Team von Freiwilligen wäre das nicht möglich. Sie tun alles, was sie können, um den Hunden zu helfen und machen es möglich, so viele Leben zu retten! Lernen Sie das komplette Team hier kennen!
“Vision without action is merely a dream. Action without vision just passes the time. Vision with action can change the world.”
“Doing easily what others find difficult is talent; doing what is impossible for talent is genius.”
Quote for Dafni here…
“Nobody makes you angry; you decide to use anger as a response”
“Stay soft. It looks beautiful on you.”
“To assert your willpower is simply to make up your mind that you want something, and then refuse to be put off.”
“Climb moutains not so the world can see you, but so you can see the world.”
“Faith… It’s all about believing. You don’t know how it will happen, but you know it will.”